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Uk Payments Reform

A strange brew – regulator releases its final policy statement on UK Payments

The new UK Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) became operational on 1 April 2015 and as reported in the most recent edition of Payments Monitor (APCA's quarterly newsletter), released its first major policy statement, entitled “A new regulatory framework for the payment systems in the UK”. The PSR has laid down a significant agenda. This includes the establishment of the “Payments Strategy Forum” to develop a collaborative industry strategy and effectively replace the UK Payments Council. The payment system is a network and a strong shared vision and collaborative strategy is critical for success. Collaborative bodies, such as Australia's own Australian Payments Council, recognise the need to have forums that bring industry together. However to be successful, the new Strategy Forum will need active industry participation. If industry is only there to assist in the implementation of public policy, then the new Forum will fall short of expectations.
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